Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thing #4 - More On Blogs

Why do you think commenting is important in online communities? What might this mean for students who share their writing online? Write something about who you're following and the tags you've used.

I think that commenting plays a HUGE role in online communities.  Whether it is commenting on a blog or writing to someone on facebook, commenting online is one of the biggest ways that people communicate today.  

A way this can help students would be just getting feedback on something right away.  I can remember numerous times of being in college, posting something on facebook and getting a response back within minutes.  A lot of times, this might have had something to do with a project I was working on or just something for fun.

Just in a few minutes of doing today's exercise, I started following two people at Coe that I didn't know, as well as one person that I know.  On top of following things for 13 Things at Coe, I also follow a few former high school and college classmates, one of my college professors and a former sportswriter from my hometown newspaper.  Needless to say, I've found a variety of people to follow and I think I'm only getting started.

I hope to return tomorrow with another 13 Things posting.  I think I'm almost caught up.  We'll see if we can accomplish that this weekend.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Thing 3 - Wiki's

Here I am, sitting on an airplane, with access to the internet.  I figured this would be as good of time as any to get caught up on a blog entry for Coe's 13 Things Project.  This week was about Wiki's.  You'll see my entry below about Wiki's.  What do you guys think?  Mainly used to look up useless topics like I use it for?  Anyway, here is my entry.  Let me know your thoughts.

In my line of work, I don't see a big use for Wiki's.  However, I can see it being a useful tool for professors at Coe to help keep things organized with students.  I am however a big fan of Wikipedia for looking things up.  I can easily access it from my phone, so if I'm in a pinch, I can get a nearly accurate answer.  I can see how Wikipedia shouldn't be used to credit a source in a paper, but for looking up mostly useless (I kid) knowledge, there isn't a better place to go.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Staying on Track (attempting at least) - Thing #2

So I lied about the whole blogging every day until I was caught up with "13 Things at Coe" promise.  I do have good reason for it though, as I took a day trip to Washington, D.C. to watch the Kansas City Royals play the Washington Nationals.  It was rookie phenom Stephen Strasburg's fourth start for the Nationals.  I'm happy to say I witnessed his first career hit and first career loss.

On to "13 Things at Coe."  This week's (ya know, from a few weeks ago) "Thing" was Google Docs.  Google in general is something I've been using more and more lately, as I purchased a Motorola Droid a few months ago and the phone is powered by Google.

I can honestly say that I haven't used Google Docs all that much, other than for a few personal items.  At first I wasn't sure I had a good professional use for it, but I did just come up with an idea about a half hour ago for a way my fellow Iowa Conference SID's and myself could use it.  I'll have to talk to a few of them and see what their thoughts on it are. 

This time, I promise I'm going to keep up to date, you can count on it.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Getting Caught Up

I told myself I was going to stay caught up with the 13 Things at Coe project.  Then this little (Understatement) thing called the Scorecard came up.  Now that it is done and off my plate, I'm going to get caught up on 13 things and stay caught up.  I plan to do a blog a day to catch back up.

This entry needs to be about the things that interest me in Web 2.0.  A lot of things interest me.  I've pretty much been around a computer my whole life, so I've always had technology at my fingertips.  I love diving into new things Social Media wise, even if it does mean more work.  As I said last time, I've done almost everything for social media, but the best part is, there is always something new coming out.  So I guess that is what I'm interested in the most, is finding out the new things or ways to make the old ones better.

Until tomorrow, have a great day!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Giving this a try...

Welcome to my Blog.  This is the next step in my social media experiment.  I've had MySpace, Facebook and Twitter, so now I'll try a blog.  Doing it for a few reasons.  First, I'm part of a summer project at Coe called "13 Things @ Coe."  So far, it appears it is going to be all about web 2.0 and exploring all sorts of social Media.

While I think I know quite a bit about social media as it is, I'm always open to new ideas.  Being in Sports Information, there are always new things coming to the plate.  This should be a great way of exploring new ideas and seeing what will be best for my office.

I've also noticed some of my friends doing blogs lately.  I figured this would be another way of keeping in contact with them, so we'll see how that goes.